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Newtown, CT, USA

Sandy Hook School's Family Library Night



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Sandy Hook Elementary School’s library was open for school families to stop by on Thursday, January 16, to take out books while C.H. Booth Library remains closed for remediation work after a January 4 flood caused by broken sprinkler pipes.

Sandy Hook School library/media specialist Yvonne Cech said the school library was open from 3:30  to 6:30 pm, and was run completely by volunteers.

Roughly 30 families attended the event, and Ms Cech said people came in groups ranging from two to five. Every family, she said, was appreciative of being able to visit the library and check out books.

“They took out stacks and stacks of books,” Ms Cech said. “We had no limit, and books will be returned in 30 days.”

Ms Cech said the Family Library Night will allow families the chance to read together while C.H. Booth Library remains closed.

“It’s a really important message to get out there that families want to read to their children and they should continue to do it while Booth Library is under renovations,” Ms Cech said.

All Sandy Hook School families were invited to take advantage of the event.

From left, Hannah Daly, Tallulah Daly, Quentin Daly, Amelia Daly, and Miranda Daly attended a Family Library Night at Sandy Hook School on Thursday, January 16.
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