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Christ The King Lutheran Church Has Begun A Golden Celebration



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Christ The King Lutheran Church Has Begun A Golden Celebration

By Shannon Hicks

This past weekend was a milestone one for Christ the King Lutheran Church. The church launched its yearlong celebration that will honor its 50th anniversary.

As was noted in a recent “Way We Were” column, the January 27, 1961, issue of The Newtown Bee included the following note: “Ninety persons attended the first worship service of Christ the King Lutheran Church at Hawley School auditorium last Sunday, January 22. Following the service, the First Selectman, Charles W. Terrell, Jr, in behalf of the community welcomed the church to Newtown. Congratulatory letters from churches in the area were noted by the pastor.”

On Sunday, January 23, Christ the King’s current membership — which includes among its membership some charter members who were at that gathering a half-century ago at Hawley School — gathered for the unveiling of a banner by member Jodi Fay, joined for cake and coffee during coffee hour, and one of the classes received their bibles.

Mrs Fay’s banner features a red background and is dominated by gold coloring and borders. Vertical in style, it features the word “Abundance” across its top, and “Thanksgiving” on one line and the words “50th Anniversary” on the bottom of the banner. A white cross with gold rays emanating from it is near the upper center of the banner, just above the church’s initials, which are in turn just above a black silhouette of the church building.

A cake featuring that design, but on a white background, was one of two served during coffee hour following the January 23 worship service. A second cake with the words “Happy 50th Birthday Christ the King” was also served.

The weekend opened with a pasta dinner sponsored by the church’s youth. A large crowd gathered for the dinner, which raised funds for the continued relief efforts following the earthquake in Haiti more than a year ago.

Meanwhile, there are at least three big events scheduled this year for Christ the King to celebrate its golden anniversary, Pastor Greg Wismar said this week.

The first will be a preconcert tour performance by Concordia College Tour Choir on Sunday, February 20, at 6 pm. Based in Bronxville, N.Y., the choir is an auditioned, mixed-voice choir directed by Dr Jason Thomas, which sings music from a wide spectrum of cultures, eras, and styles.

This year’s program is entitled “Sing Alleluia” and will include a new work by the Pastor Wismar. That work, “Lord Send Us Out In Peace,” will receive its premiere when the choir performs its Newtown concert.

On May 1, the church will host Homecoming Sunday. The church’s first leader, Pastor James Ilten, and his wife, Nadine, have been invited to attend the worship service that morning. All former members and Church Council members are also being invited to attend the special occasion.

A 50th Charter Celebration is also being planned. That event will take place in early November, with a banquet to follow worship service one Sunday.

In addition to all this, the church is preparing for a major change. Pastor Greg Wismar (who was recently honored with a party on the occasion of his 65th birthday by the church’s women’s guild) has announced his retirement. He has been with Christ the King since 1987.

Pastor Wismar’s final sermon will be offered on June 12, and the church will host a BBQ in his honor later that afternoon. The week before, the pastor will celebrate the 40th anniversary of his ordination.

Meanwhile, Christ the King is “in the process of finding my replacement,” Pastor Wismar said this week. “They are in very good hands.”

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