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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Living Nativity At St Rose



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Once each year the stable behind the Religious Education Office of St Rose Church comes alive following the tradition started by St Francis of Assisi. St Rose members act as shepherds, angels and wise men, and are joined by live animals, to reenact the greeting of the weary Mary and Joseph on the evening that Jesus was born.

St Rose will host its annual Live Nativity presentation on Saturday, December 14, immediately following the 5:30 Mass.

With construction currently underway at the Religious Education Office, the stable has been relocated to the field to the northwest of the gathering hall, at 46 Church Hill Road. All are welcome to the event, which traditionally includes caroling and then a gathering in the gathering hall for hot chocolate and cookies.

The rain/snow date is Sunday, December 15, with the scene to be presented following the noon Mass.

Live animals —like the ducks waddling into the foreground of this photo — are always part of the mix when St Rose presents its annual Living Nativity. 
St Rose members act as shepherds, angels, wise men and, seen here from 2012, the Holy Family, to reenact the evening that Jesus was born during the annual Living Nativity at the Church Hill Road church.
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