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PBIS Team Continues To Support Students At NHS



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PBIS Team Continues To Support Students At NHS

The Newtown High School Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) team honored students with perfect attendance for the second quarter on February 16, when the Newtown Culinary students provided a large brownie for each student who qualified.

This was the second time the PBIS team has thanked students for perfect attendance at the school this school year. Students with perfect attendance during the first quarter marking period received breakfast sandwiches over the course of three mornings in November.

“Oh my God, that was such a great gift,” said NHS junior Caitlin Gibney after receiving her brownie.

According to PBIS team member and NHS psychologist Jennifer Hoag, the PBIS team has also provided behavioral expectations for everyone in the building, which spell out an acrostic of “HAWKS”: Have respect, Act responsibly, Work with honesty and integrity, Keep high expectations.

Ms Hoag said, in addition to honoring students who have perfect attendance, the PBIS team is also recognizing students for HAWKS behavior. Tickets are given out by teachers to students who demonstrate HAWKS behavior.  Students are then responsible to put their tickets in a jar located in the main office. A drawing is made at the end of each week, and winners pick an item from a choice of rewards in addition to earning a HAWKS water bottle. 

The water bottles are also sold for $8 by the team to help raise money to support future PBIS team efforts at NHS. For more information on the PBIS team, or on the water bottles, visit the group’s website at www.sites.google.com/a/newtown.k12.ct.us/pbs. ­

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