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Of Liberals And Standards



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Of Liberals

And Standards

To the Editor:

Last week, Tuesday was a difficult day for me. My friend was dying, and she lost her battle with cancer. My husband has been laid off for two years: He worked in commercial construction and I was a realtor; you know what happened to both those fields. I’m working a “nine-to-five” job now, one that I’m lucky to have. There was a MoveOn.org rally scheduled for Tuesday but I didn’t feel I could take time off from work; and, my friend’s illness was weighing on my mind. But thank you, Dave Jossick. I read your inappropriate remark about “Liberals” [Comment on The Bee’s Facebook page], and it was just the spark I needed. It was cold and I was shivering, but I was there thanks to you.

You see, Mr Jossick, if I must take a label, I’m a liberal. So, when you posted your remark, “If it weren’t for double standards, liberals wouldn’t have any,” I took offense. Do you really feel a right to judge me (or anyone else) because of political beliefs? What, exactly, is your implication? I’ve been a volunteer advocate for children for ten years, walk dogs at the pound, and volunteer in our schools. My father is my hero, and he serves his fellow man at every possible instance. I try to emulate him, but I know I’ll never come close. I even give my blood to the Red Cross. Do you know why, Mr Jossick? Because, I have values and I have standards. No, I don’t have money to give (remember I told you my husband was out of work?), but I share whatever I have to give with a pure heart. I fail to see any reason to make such a negative knee-jerk remark, and what purpose it could possibly serve.

Our country is based on freedoms including free speech, so you and I have the right to our opinions and to voice them. Perhaps you thought you were being witty or clever, but you were neither. (I might add, that particular saying has been around a long time, so we know you weren’t being original.) I hoped that people might tone down the rhetoric after the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, but I guess you disagree. I’d like to think that we all can be more concerned with what binds us and with working together, rather than being divisive.

I joined my fellow MoveOn.org members on Tuesday, and advocated for “Saving the American Dream.” The rally had everything to do with being able to provide the American Dream for our children, yours and mine. If I need to shiver in the cold again, I will do so; and I’m not sorry if that offends you. By the way, Mr Jossick — my father earned the Purple Heart fighting for your freedom to make inappropriate remarks. I don’t know what you hoped to achieve, but you’ve got that right. So, you’re welcome, and I hope you appreciate his sacrifice.


Jackie zVon

4 Rockywood Drive, Sandy Hook                                  March 20, 2011

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