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Hospital's 20th Annual Children's Day Promises Kid-Sized Fun



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Hospital’s 20th Annual Children’s Day Promises Kid-Sized Fun

DANBURY — Danbury Hospital invites the public to its 20th Annual Children’s Day on Saturday, March 26, from 10 am to 2 pm. The kid-sized fun starts at the Praxair Cancer Center lobby, located on the first floor of the Stroock Building, Locust Avenue entrance.

Attendees will be able to park free in the Red Parking garage. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

 Danbury Hospital Children’s Day, an annual signature event for children and families, promotes physical activity, good nutrition, and general wellness to children in a nonthreatening way. The day features plenty of “hands-on” activities while at the same time introducing them to the Hospital environment.

This year’s theme “Building Blocks for Better Health!” promotes the construction of the hospital’s new Tower Building that’s set to begin this spring. Expansion plans will be highlighted throughout the event, with children providing a helping hand at designing the new North Tower building.  

A new venue will be added to this year’s Children’s Day menu of activities geared to the family’s primary caregiver. Mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, and guardians are encouraged to take a “time out” and visit the “Women’s Oasis,” located on the first floor of the Stroock Building.

Danbury Hospital clinical experts on women’s health issues will be available to answer questions about the family birth center, neonatal intensive care unit, reproductive medicine and infertility, gynecological and breast health, as well as genetic counseling.

Demonstrations, risk factor assessments, and free screenings offered at the “Women’s Oasis” includes complementary medicine, aromatherapy and hand massages, heart healthy screening, osteoporosis and gynecological health risk assessments. A supervised coloring book activity and story time for children will run concurrently at this location.

 Danbury Hospital Children’s Day partners include Danbury Public Schools, New Fairfield Press, and other community-minded business sponsors who will help combine a free, fun family day complete with health care, fun, and fitness.

 Special events and activities include:

*Healthy cooking demonstrations and good nutrition tips for balanced meal planning.

*Exercise and fitness demonstrations.

*Visit special booths promoting Amber Alert Child ID program, “Ask-a-Pediatrician,” and face painting.

*Free health screenings for kids and parents, too!

*Take a tour of the Emergency Department, Pediatrics, Duracell Center for Ambulatory Surgery, EMS, ambulance, police, fire vehicles and more.

Danbury Hospital’s 20th Annual Children’s Day is made possible by the contributions of local volunteer sponsors, including the Danbury Public Schools, local police and the Danbury Fire Department, Life Star helicopter (11 am to noon; weather permitting), and other civic-minded youth groups and organizations. There are a limited number of fun giveaways while supplies last.

The main entrance and check-in for Children’s Day takes place in the Praxair Cancer Center lobby located on the first floor of the Stroock Building.

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