State Needs To Live Up To Its Commitments
State Needs To Live Up
To Its Commitments
(The following letter to Governor Dannel P. Malloy has been received for publication.)
Dear Governor Malloy;
I have resided in for Newtown for 26 years. I am writing you with a deep concern over the severe cuts you have announced recently that will dramatically affect the National Guard and Air Guard.
To take $900,000 from this yearâs budget three quarters of the way through the guardâs FY 2011 and another $1 million next year is going to impact the ability of the CT Guard to continue to do all the things they need to do in the event they are called on to support the citizens of our state and at the same time continue to fulfill their overseas commitments. You may recall that before you came into office: we had the largest deployment of CT Guardsman and Guardswomen in history; 1,200 members of the 102ndINF/86BCT, and 250th ENGBN went to Iraq and Afghanistan in May of 2010. More recently, if I am not mistaken, you called up our guard and sent CT Guardsmen and Guardswomen to assist in Springfield, Mass., after the tornados hit. Of course; who can forget last winter when our guard was again called upon to assist all over the state during our horrible snow storms.
The Second Company Horse Guard was on alert then as you well know. These cuts are not simply an inconvenience issue like shutting down Danbury DMV. You have now elevated this to a health and safety issue for the citizens of Connecticut and an issue for our guard to be ready to respond when called upon; without the necessary funding to accomplish all of their missions.
Your cuts to the guard have forced General Thaddeus Martin to order the closure of the Second Company Horse Guard here in Newtown, even though the state legislature voted to allow the organization to form a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; which they have done and raise the money to become a self - sustaining organization. Citizens and businesses of this area and all over the state are responding to this directive and will get the funding required by the legislature.
I urge you to restore the cuts made to the National Guard and direct General Martin to live up to the commitment that the legislature voted on. Give the Governors Second Company Horse Guard the one year agreed upon and voted upon by our elected officials to raise the funds necessary and become a self-sustaining organization.
Mike Kelley
21 Bridge End Farm Lane, Sandy Hook                      July 22, 2011