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How do you choose what to name your pet?



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How do you choose what to name your pet?

Jeanette Pagett: We usually go for people names, and usually Italian [names.]

Catherine, Hannah, front left, and Meghan, front right, Galda: Hannah named [our dog] Maisey, because it was a mouse in a storybook.

Linda, right, and Adam Uhde: We actually think of one that sounds good if we are calling their name out the door, or one that fits their personality.

Jackie Alpert: My pet got stuck with his name. Everyone kept texting me, ‘How’s he doing? How’s the new puppy Brody?’ So it kind of got chosen for me.

Erin Kramer: Usually just pick a name that is really fitting for them. I have one dog named Beanie, because she looked like a lima bean.

Emily Paloian: We named my dog after a song, an Eric Clapton song. Her name is Layla.

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