Cutting Jobs Is Not The Answer
Cutting Jobs Is Not The Answer
To the Editor:
Iâve been reading in The Newtown Bee for several weeks now about the outpouring of concern about the decision not to continue with the townâs school bus owner-operators. After seeing Bridget Seamanâs letter in the September 23 issue of the paper, and her call to âshout it out at the tops of your lungs,â I recently sent the email below to the superintendent of schools and others in the school system to voice my opinion. Just to be clear, I copied Transportation Coordinators Cathy Hydeck and Maritza Nezvesky on the email to let them know they have community support. I know that they were not involved in the decision-making.
 To Superintendent of Newtown Schools Janet Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools Linda Gejda, Director of Business Ron Bienkowski, Director of Human Resources Joan Libby, Esq., Transportation Coordinator Cathy Hydeck, Transportation Coordinator Maritza Nezvesky, Chair of Newtownâs Board of Education William G. Hart, members of Newtownâs Board of Education:
When I read that the bus drivers in our community were voted out, and an out-of-town company had been hired, I immediately wanted to write to all of you.
If âthe mission of the Newtown Public Schools, a partnership of students, families, educators and community...,â let me ask you, where is the community in this decision?Â
When companies, or in this case our school system, makes decisions that adversely affect our local community, it has a negative impact on us all. Cutting jobs from our friends and neighbors of Newtown who have done an excellent job year after year is not the answer.
I have no doubt that if you really wanted our local bus drivers to continue, you would have found a way to make it work. Itâs a poor decision, and one that needs to be looked at again. Please reconsider.
Lauren Miller
4 Stuart Drive, Newtown                                   September 25, 2011