How Devil's Den Got Its Name
How Devilâs Den Got Its Name
WESTON â Hundreds of years ago the early Colonists in this area were impressed by a cloven hoofprint so large they thought it could only have been made by the Devil. That footprint, which is imbedded in a rock off Godfrey Trail at the 1,746 â acre Devilâs Den Preserve, is what gave Devilâs Den its name.
On Saturday, October 30, from 1 to 3 pm, just before Halloween, trained American history guides Dorothy Abrams and Howard Pierpont will lead a three-mile walk to that famous, mysterious rock and back.
Theyâll explain how the charcoal operations, which were so important to this areaâs economy, added to the lure of Devilâs Den. They may also point out a gall on the witch-hazel bush that looks like the pointed cap worn by witches of old.
There is no charge for the extremely popular program, but reservations are required and the number of participants is limited. Anyone interested in the program should call The Den at 226-4991 for information and registration. Devilâs Den is at 33 Pent Road, on the Weston/Redding border.