Madeline Rose Zupan
Madeline Rose Zupan
Jennifer and Dave Zupan of Newtown are proud to announce the birth of Madeline Rose Zupan, born October 3, at Danbury Hospital.
Madeline weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 inches long at birth.
Anita and Tom Wolf of Lake Grove, N.Y., are the maternal grandparents.
Mary and Jerry Zupan of Putnam Valley, N.Y., are the paternal grandparents.
Also welcoming Madeline are maternal great-grandparents Anton and Antonoia Babnik, Putnam Valley, N.Y.
Reid Holden Cash
Reid Holden Cash, son of Melinda and John Cash, Jr, was born October 15, at Danbury Hospital.
He weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 20 inches in length at birth.
Reid is welcomed by his sisters, Ciera Jaehn-Cash, 9 years old, Ava M. Cash, 6 years old, and June Cash, 22 months old.
Martha Merillat of Newtown is the maternal grandmother.
Barbara Cash of Florida and John Cash, Sr, of Virginia are the paternal grandparents.
Maternal great-grandparents are Bill Weathered and Patricia Conley of Fairfield, and Joy Derry of Forestville, Calif.
Paternal great-grandfather is Paul Reid of Vermont.