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A Successful SNAN Bake Sale



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A Successful

SNAN Bake Sale

To the Editor:

The Spay and Neuter Association of Newtown, Inc, (SNAN) would like to thank Tom Johnson, Sandy, and the staff of Lexington Gardens, and Louise Tombascio and the staff of My Place Restaurant for their continued support of our fundraisers.

We also extend our sincere appreciation to our dedicated members, bakers, friends, and customers for their donations and support of our bank sale. The quality and quantity of the baked goods was overwhelming and assured us of a very successful bake sale. Last but not least, a big thank you to The Newtown Bee for their publicity and coverage of our fundraiser.


Penny Meek, Marion Thompson and John Stott, Co-Chairs

Spay and Neuter Association of Newtown, Inc

13 Chimney Swift, Drive, Sandy Hook                           April 2, 2007

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