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Dr Henry C. Lee Awards Recognition Dinner Slated



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Dr Henry C. Lee Awards Recognition Dinner Slated

MONROE — The Petit Family Foundation and Sikorsky Finance Women’s Forum will be honored during Jane Doe No More’s 3rd annual Dr Henry C. Lee Awards and Recognition Dinner. The event takes place Friday, March 16, at The Waterview, Monroe.

Program sponsorships and reserved tables are now available.

The Henry C. Lee Award is given to individuals or organizations that exemplify Dr Lee’s passion and commitment to finding truth and to improving the way society responds to victims of sexual assault. Past award winners include Dr Henry Lee and Waterbury Mayor Neil O’Leary.

The Sikorsky Finance Women’s Forum and The Petit Family Foundation share the 2012 Award.

“This year’s Dr Henry C. Lee Award winners have inspired all of us through their actions and efforts to create awareness and improve the lives of victims of sexual assault,” notes Donna Palomba, founder of Jane Doe No More. “We are proud to recognize both of these groups for their meaningful work.”

The Sikorsky Finance Women’s Forum (SFWF) works to recruit, promote and retain women in finance by creating an environment of mutual support and providing opportunities for growth and career development. SFWF supports Jane Doe No More by raising funds and awareness through a variety of events.

The Petit Family Foundation honors the memories of Jennifer Hawke-Petit, Hayley Elizabeth Petit and Michaela Rose Petit by continuing the kindness, idealism and activism that defined their lives. The foundation’s funds are used to foster education for young people, especially women in the sciences; to improve the lives of those affected by chronic illnesses; and to support efforts to protect and help those affected by violence.

The event begins at 5:30 pm with a cocktail reception and silent auction; dinner follows at 7, with awards set for 8:30 pm. WFSB Eyewitness News Anchor Denise D’Ascenzo is this year’s emcee.

Ms Palomba will present a scholarship to a college student who is working to improve the lives of victims of sexual assault. Tickets are $125, and include dinner and open bar.

Call 203-729-0245 or email info@janedoenomore.org for an invitation or for information about reserved tables and event sponsorship.

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