DARIEN - The Connecticut Association of Schools has scheduled and is sponsoring a statewide battle of the bands for high school students in any style of band outside of school. Bandjam 2012 will be held on Friday, May 4, at Norwich Free Academy or
DARIEN â The Connecticut Association of Schools has scheduled and is sponsoring a statewide battle of the bands for high school students in any style of band outside of school. Bandjam 2012 will be held on Friday, May 4, at Norwich Free Academy or on Friday, May 11, at Darien High School.
The participating students bands will compete before judges for the chance to receive awards, gift certificates from Sam Ash Music Stores, and a gig on the main stage of the International Festival of Arts and Ideas in New Haven.
The deadline for the submission of registration materials is Friday, April 13. All information and registration materials can be found at www.casciac.org under the Student Activities section.
For further information, contact Bandjam Festival Director Rick Sadlon at RSadlon@darienps.org or 203-655-3981, extension 2329.