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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

School Year Ends With Cheer



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Music played over the loudspeakers at Head O’ Meadow Elementary School on Wednesday, June 17, just moments before the last bell rang for the 2014-15 school year.

And that was when some of the school’s fourth grade students began to dance.

According to staff, students danced in their classrooms while the song “Happy” played.

By the time “Uptown Funk” was being played, the fourth graders formed a dance line.

“We’re no longer fourth graders!” one student said.

As students began leaving the school to board buses, faculty and staff gathered outside the school to say goodbye.

“See you next year,” one student said.

Reed Intermediate School students broke out into more smiles than normal throughout Wednesday, according to multiple Reed staffers.

“Congratulations sixth graders,” said Reed Assistant Principal Jill Beaudry as students began filing out of the school.

“Have a great summer,” and “I’m going to miss you,” could be heard as students hugged teachers goodbye.

As the students boarded the buses at Reed they seemed to be following a sign being held by teacher Sharon Vetrano that read, “This way to summer fun!”

At the end of what he called a phenomenal school year, Newtown Middle School Principal Tom Einhorn stood outside his school on Wednesday to wish students farewell on the last day of school.

As the line of buses drove out of the parking lot, faculty and staff lined up at NMS to wave pompoms and smiley faces as the students passed by.

“Thanks for the two years,” one student told Mr Einhorn.

Mr Einhorn said, on behalf his school community, that NMS is proud of its students and he wish all of the eighth graders luck next year. He also said he is thrilled the seventh graders will be returning for another year at NMS.

Newtown Middle School Principal Tom Einhorn, left, waved goodbye next to teachers and staff at his school, while holding smiley faces, as buses left the school for the last time this school year.
Reed Intermediate School students hugged after leaving the school and board the bus on the last day of the 2014-15 school year.
Head O’ Meadow fourth grade students, led by Ashlynn Bennet, danced in a line just before the final bell of the 2014-15 school year on Wednesday, June 17.
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