Ice Cream Social Was A Success
Ice Cream Social Was A Success
To the Editor,
In April the Sandy Hook School PTA hosted a three-day Ice Cream Social. Putting together this event would not have been possible without the support of the following businesses and individuals: Drug Center, The Toy Corner, Stew Leonardâs, Grand Union, Stop & Shop, Big Y, Dick Blick, Debbie Daniels, parents, teachers, and Newtown High School volunteers.
This event would not have been successful without the generosity of donations, time, and talents shared with us by the above mentioned.
The annual Ice Cream Social is an event to bring SHS families together to have a little fun, enjoy some ice cream, and to reinforce the strong community feeling that SHS families share.
Thanks again to all who helped strengthen our âfamily.â
Trish Ford
Geraldine Jackman
Ice Cream Social Committee
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Dickinson Drive, Sandy Hook                                      May 31, 2000