A True Gift
A True Gift
To the Editor,
It is a true breath of fresh air (pun intended) for children in town to have a generous, caring, and giving individual who resides within our community.
Recently a generous donation was send to our Camp Scholarship Committee. A letter accompanied the donation from an individual who would like to remain anonymous but would like to be recognized for the reason behind his giving. The donorâs letter was this:
Dear Camp Scholarship Committee:
Enclosed find a contribution to be used for the Newton Parks and Recreation Camp Scholarship fund.
Growing up in a single parent household it was through the philanthropic endeavors of others that I was fortunate to enjoy the benefits of country life and discover the beauty and joys of nature which was afforded to me. Mere words cannot describe the impact that this has had on my life. It is my hope that with these funds other children in our community will now have that same opportunity.
Thank you Social Services and Newtown Parks and Recreation for always being around and for caring unconditionally through the years by enabling those less fortunate children from our community to participate in all the benefits of Parks and Recreation. I consider myself blessed to be a citizen of our town.
We here at the Town of Newtown Parks and Recreation and Social Services would like to say thank you for your generous donation and youâre giving back to the community through recognizing what was a true gift to you.
Amy Mangold
Director of Newtown Parks and Recreation
Ann Piccini
Director of Social Services
3 Main Street, Newtown                                         July 20, 2012