Curb The Spending On Meaningless Elections
Curb The Spending
On Meaningless Elections
To the Editor:
I am responding to the letter from the Republican registrar of voters, Ms Aurelia, thanking people and saying she will be proud to continue serving as registrar.
Wait a minute, donât we have a General Election to decide the officeholders?
No wait, there are two and the main parties agree to run only one each candidate. Why are the taxpayers paying for registrars for what are really private organizations? Was there a registrar for A Connecticut Party when it held the governorâs office? (The same is done with constables, each party nominates half of the available positions.)
Why did we have to pay for two primaries this summer? The first, the Presidential primary was meaningless as the major party candidates had already secured enough votes for the nomination or had no opposition.
In this time of shrinking budgets we have to curb the spending on meaningless elections. If there is only one candidate then let the secretary cast one vote as prescribed in Roberts Rules of Order.
Charles Shaw
5 Sturges Road, Newtown                                      September 2, 2012