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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Hawley Holiday Bazaar Offered Students Shopping Opportunity



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Hawley Elementary School students had opportunities to shop at the PTA-run Holiday Bazaar, set up in the school’s multipurpose room, between December 7 and 11.

Before students shopped at the bazaar, they visited it to make a list and add up the cost of all the items they wanted to purchase. When shopping day came for each class, volunteers for the school’s PTA were ready to help walk students around the room and shop for the items on their lists.

Available items ranged from 25 cents to $5, and the money raised will go to the PTA’s cultural arts program fund. Mugs, rings, ornaments, chalkboards, and other items were organized around the room before each group of students entered to shop at the store.

Hawley Elementary School kindergartener Morgan Kenny, standing front, was one of many students who looked through offerings at the school’s Holiday Bazaar, run by the PTA, on Tuesday, December 8.
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