Helpful Hints For Voting November 6
Helpful Hints
For Voting November 6
To the Editor:
Last Presidential Election we saw lines that went on forever on tv. I did not hear of anyone in line more than 15 minutes in Newtown. I would like to offer some helpful hints so we can all get in and out of the polls quickly.
First know which poll is yours: visit then click on registered to vote? fill in Newtown, name, and date of birth. You will vote at the state polling place.
Lines â The lines are by street name; make sure you get in the right line.
Carpool if you live at the same house or even the same street; it will be quicker to check off on the list since the list is by street.
Identification â Have your id ready to hand to the checker; you may use a driverâs license, employee ID, signed credit card, preprinted checkbook, a piece of mail etc.
Midday â If you are available around midday, the lines are a little shorter then â take advantage of this lull.
The most important thing is to get out there and vote. Speak up Newtown!
If you have any questions e-mail me at
Thank you,
LeReine Frampton
Democratic Registrar
6 Pebble Road, Newtown                                           October 29, 2012