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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

Job growth, small business development, education, senior citizen opportunities, safety nets for the disadvantaged. Lisa Romano knows these issues are not mutually exclusive. She knows that in a vibrant economy, and community, these issues interconnect with one another. She knows you can’t have a vibrant economy without world-class education, and you can’t have world class education without a vibrant economy. She knows that those on limited retirement incomes continue to enhance Newtown’s way of life through the legacies of their careers, armed service contributions, and through their continued volunteer efforts to keep Newtown a great place to live. It would be easier to just take some of the factors out of the equation as her opponent would like to do. But she is willing to grapple with the hard questions, and the complexities of balancing a multidimensional, fiscally responsible, financial picture. She will go to Hartford representing all of Newtown, because she knows that is the only way to support a vibrant Newtown. She will push for thriving small and medium businesses so that Newtown can robustly join the improving national job picture. She will advocate for Newtown children so they are ready for these jobs, and for responsible 21st Century citizenship.  She will work for tax relief and safety nets simultaneously, as the growing senior population adjusts to lower earnings.  Lisa Romano knows it is a complex economic equation because all citizens are essential to it.  That is why I am asking you to join me by voting for Lisa Romano for state representative on November 6.


Hannah Albee

8 Adams Hill Lane,  Newtown                                 October 28, 2012

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