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Somewhere along the way over the years, with the advent of television, the delightful hobby of reading seems to have disappeared among the younger set - a pity. Books, to this reviewer, have always been a delight, and each Christmas I have attempte



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Somewhere along the way over the years, with the advent of television, the delightful hobby of reading seems to have disappeared among the younger set – a pity. Books, to this reviewer, have always been a delight, and each Christmas I have attempted to give at least one to each of my children as a gift. As a result, the home bookshelf is filling up, and hopefully the books on it will remain family treasures for a long time to come. Included in the collection is a delightful grouping of children’s books which have been illustrated by Steven Kellogg of Newtown, Conn. Some have also been written by this particularly talented man and others penned by various authors. However, all of them carry throughout their pages his delightful wry and witty illustrations.


 It was likely the last of the old-time town meetings in Newtown as, within a month, future actions of a similar nature will be handled by the 18-member Legislative Council. So moderator Robert H. Hall suggested “it might be fun” for the people who approved funding for a study of Newtown’s aquifer to sign their names and record for posterity their attendance at the special town meeting Wednesday, December 10. Twenty-one persons (not including four reporters) swiftly approved use of $14,000 of Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials funds which, with a matching US Department of Interior grant, will pay for the six-month study.


“Something old and something new” might be a good description of the candidates seeking to fill party vacancies in eight areas of the local government as nominations were made at the Republican Town Committee’s meeting Monday night. The committee will meet Monday, December 15, at 7 pm at Town Hall to recommend candidates for appointment at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on the following night.


The Newtown High School math team placed first in a field of seven schools in a Western Connecticut Math League meet held December 3 at Newtown High School. Approximately 60 students participated in the event. The members of the team who achieved this second straight victory of the season were Tracy Bouvette, Mike Whelan, Paul Fleming, Kevin Murphy, and Doug Darrow. Tracy Bouvette was the leading senior and Doug Darrow the leading sophomore participant. In addition, Doug Darrow received the highest score of the team.


Campfire Girls could be found touring Edmond Town Hall on Monday, December 8, as part of a Get-To-Know-Your-Town project. Joan Lester and Sharon Opeil were leaders of the Mei-Dei-Ayos with Irene Forshaw heading up the Chien-Chins.


Intramurals, interscholastics, and equal roles for girls in sports in the Newtown schools took up a great deal of discussion time at the Tuesday evening meeting of the Board of Education, and what started it all was one agenda item seeking the appointment of an assistant boys’ wrestling coach at the high school with funds to come from the intramural program budget account. The high school wrestling team has 85 boys on it, and coach Bill Manfredonia has requested some help. He finally got approval for an assistant (not named) on Tuesday night, but not before the board members had their individual opinions expressed on the sports programs at the high school. Mrs Ruby Johnson sparked the discussion when she said she disapproved of more money being taken away from the intramurals and said the board would have to sit down and decide whether or not there was going to be a good intramural program at the school. She said she felt the system also has not come anywhere near equalizing girls’ and boys’ sports, and said she was against offering more support for boys’ programs (referring to the assistant coaching position) when girls’ programs were still pitiably lacking in the ones offered, equipment and playing fields.


Barring any special sessions between now and January 5, the current Board of Selectmen will have its last meeting on Tuesday, December 16, at Edmond Town Hall. First Selectman Frank DeLucia said an executive session is planned, beginning at 7 pm, to choose a new agent for the town’s insurance account. First Selectman-elect Jack Rosenthal, a Travelers agent, has handled the account since July 1, and has been negotiating for another agent to assume the insurance account as he prepares to move into the first selectman’s chair January 5.

DECEMBER 15, 1950

The recently completed addition to the Edmond Town Hall, which was turned over to the Board of Managers by the Edward E. Bray Company of Bridgeport, builders, is now occupied and in use and ready for inspection by townspeople. The top floor, to which access is obtained from the hallway leading past the room occupied by the Judge of Probate, contains the Assessors’ office and conference room and the office of the Tax Collector. The room formerly used by the Assessors and Tax Collector will be used by the Town Hall Manager, with access from the main lobby.


With Christmas drawing near, townspeople are being asked again to contribute gifts to the Fairfield State Hospital for distribution among the patients during the holiday season. Some patients will visit their homes for Christmas and others will receive remembrances sent by their relatives and friends. But there will be many patients, friendless and forgotten, who will not receive Christmas remembrances, except for those gifts sent in response to the statewide Christmas gift appeal and those prepared by the hospital staff. For those who must remain in the hospital at Christmas time, a small gift will be more than appreciated.


Newtown residents are preparing storm shutters for the evening of Wednesday, December 20, when the stars of the boys’ SAC Midgets and the girls’ Bobbysockers will meet head-on at the Edmond Town Hall gym in their fourth annual basketball cage classic. These games usually provide thrills and spills galore and a large crowd of fans is expected at Wednesday’s fray.


A Hudson, N.Y., trailer truck carrying a 13-ton cargo of pulpwood overturned at 3:30 Wednesday morning, on Whisconier Hill, Hawleyville, in front of William Sedor’s house. Its driver, George Reese, Jr, 26, of Hudson, was uninjured.


Michael Dugan, president of the senior class, was awarded a trip to National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago recently. He was chosen from 4-H boys and girls all over Connecticut for his outstanding work in farm and home safety.


At its regular meeting held on November 29, the Newtown Lions Club had as guest speaker Colonel James Wild of the Connecticut State Guard, who is civilian defense director for the northwest section of the state. Colonel Wild told of the destructive effect of the atomic bomb as revealed in Japan and elsewhere but stressed the point that while there are potential targets for atomic attack in this state the serious problem for Newtown and similar communities would be that created by the evacuees from other areas. This will call for statewide consideration and organization.


The Hawley High Chapter of Future Farmers of America received announcement last week that it had been declared one of the winners of awards offered by the National Foundation of FFA for 1950. The awards are given each year for accomplishments in various phases of farming.


DECEMBER 11, 1925

The Newtown Hook and Ladder Company held an enthusiastic meeting, Monday night, with a good attendance. Foreman P.H. Gannon presided. The foreman announced the appointment of members to the following positions: Hydrant Men: Levi C. Morris, P.H. McCarthy, M.F. Crowe, William Ready. Hose Men: John J. Keane, Henry Carlson, Adolph Carlson, R. John Cahill, P.F. McMahon, Martin Keniry, Joseph Keniry, John Ray. Nozzle Men: C.F. Cavanaugh, Frank B. Blackman, George Stuart, William Corbett, Thomas Griffin, William S. Lillis. Fire Police: A.P. Smith, J.J. Northrop, Frank Wright, S.C. Glover, Thomas Carlson, John J. Keating.


R.W. Tiemann has installed a Claratone radio for Allison P. Smith.

DECEMBER 14, 1900

Robert S. Wheeler of South Britain has purchased the Charles Webster place in Zoar and expects to move there in the near future.


The familiar meat bell that Botsford people have heard twice a week at their door through the summer months has not been heard for the past two weeks, which has been a disappointment to a great many around Botsford and vicinity.


Dr R.N. Todd of New Milford has been treating Attorney Beecher’s fine stepper for a bad case of quarter crack and lameness.


The E.C. Platt Company of Hawleyville has the contract for furnishing lumber for a large house at Millbrook, N.Y., for Col Lamont, who was secretary of war under Mr Cleveland.

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