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Singing Peace Around The World



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Fraser Woods Montessori School students gathered outside the school on Friday, September 20, to sing, continuing a worldwide acknowledgement of this year’s International Day of Peace, recognized on September 21.

Fraser-Woods Montessori School student sang “Light a Candle for Peace” at 11 am, as students, faculty, staff, and school family members joined hands in a circle on the school’s back field.

Other Montessori schools around the world also sang the song at different allotted times so the song would be sung continuously for 24 hours.

“Thank you for singing for peace,” Fraser Woods Montessori School Headmaster Myriam Woods said after the song had been sung.

Fraser Woods Montessori School Headmaster Myriam Woods, back center, sang along with students on Friday, September 20, while her school recognized the International Day of Peace.
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