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Passing The Peace Cranes



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Origami peace cranes that had been roosting on the Newtown Congregational Church sanctuary altar since shortly after 12/14 have begun a new journey.

The 1,000 cranes had been made by members of Saron United Church of Christ, in Sheboygen Falls, Wis., on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. After the shootings at Chardon High School in Ohio on February 27, 2012, the cranes were sent to Pilgrim Christian Church in Chardon. In turn, Pilgrim CC extended their sympathy by passing the peace in the form of the Saron UCC origami cranes on to NCC after 12/14.

Following the bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15, NCC church leaders decided it was time to pass the peace to Boston. Along with the cranes, NCC enclosed a letter from the Senior Pastor Matt Crebbin, which joins the letters from the previous two churches. The cranes were (“the church at the finish line”) by NCC member Diane Ciba on May 9.hand delivered to Boston’s Old South Church

As Newtown, and the world, continues to pray and hope for an end to violence, Newtown Congregational Church members have set a goal for themselves. The church is hoping to continue the gesture of the passing of the peace cranes by creating 1,000 with their hands by December 2013. 

Newtown Congregational Church Senior Pastor Matt Crebbin, with NCC member Diane Ciba, who on May 9 hand delivered 1,000 origami peace cranes to the Old South Church in Boston. 
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