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I Can Cope Program At Danbury HospitalDANBURY -- The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital announce the next series of classes in their co-sponsored cancer education program, I Can Cope.  This series of



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I Can Cope Program At Danbury Hospital

DANBURY –– The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital announce the next series of classes in their co-sponsored cancer education program, I Can Cope.

 This series of two, two-hour classes for adult cancer patients, their families, and their friends will be held on April 7 and April 14 from 1 to 3 pm in the Hospital’s Praxair Cancer Center conference room (first floor Stroock Building, Locust Avenue entrance). During this time, participants will learn about cancer diagnosis, treatment, side effects, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more.

Classes are free, but registration is required by calling Joanne Ballerini at 797-7771.

I Can Cope is a structured group education program of the American Cancer Society, conducted as a consecutive series addressing topics relevant to the cancer experience. Guest speakers include professionals in the field of cancer management, while videotapes, print materials, and class discussion provide up-to-date information for patients, family, and friends.

On April 7, Dr Vincent Rella, medical oncologist, and Lilla Dean, RN, will discuss “Learning About Cancer & Treatment Options.” Peggy Gilmore, RN, a holistic practitioner in the Complementary Medicine Department, will address “Keeping Well in Mind & Body.”

On April 14, Joan Mills, an oncology social worker, will discuss “125 Emotions.” A cancer survivor panel and agency staff will discuss “Discovering Community Resources & Celebrating Life.”

The Praxair Cancer Center at Danbury Hospital provides comprehensive cancer services. It offers expert diagnosis and treatment by multidisciplinary teams, clinical research, community education, and screening and supportive services. For information, visit the hospital’s website at www.danburyhospital.org and click on “Cancer Care” or call 800-850-5079.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is the largest nongovernment funder of cancer research and education in the United States, offering numerous education, support, and advocacy programs. For information, visit the ACS website at www.cancer.org or call the local ACS office at 203-563-0740, or call the ACS 24-hour national hotline at 800-ACS-2345.

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