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"Girl Scouts are Smart Cookies, We Love to Read" proclaimed the banners on this year's Girl Scout float, constructed by Newtown Girl Scouts and their leaders in support of the Labor Day Parade honoring the Booth Library. At right are several of



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“Girl Scouts are Smart Cookies, We Love to Read” proclaimed the banners on this year’s Girl Scout float, constructed by Newtown Girl Scouts and their leaders in support of the Labor Day Parade honoring the Booth Library. At right are several of the Girl Scouts, many wearing Girl Scout Cookie costumes, and their troop leaders who marched representing Daisy, Brownie, and Junior level troops throughout Newtown. 

Brownie Lauren Zimmerman and Junior Scouts MaryBeth Semosky and Kelsea Morshuk spent the day before the Labor Day Parade at the home of Leader Michelle Semosky painting signs for their float with several other Girl Scouts and their leaders.

Junior Girl Scout Troop 706 enjoyed a sunny day at Mystic Seaport learning about the ships and what life was like for sailors and their families back in the 1700 and 1800s.  Pictured in a rowboat on the dock are, front to back, left to right, Nina Bonvini, Kelsea Morshuk, Sophia Matsis, Caitlin Filiato, Lizzie Wojcik, Brownie Julia Calo, Victoria Calo, Brittany Gonzalez, Gillian Ostrofsky, Gabriella Perpignand, Carol Cook, and Rachel Saint.

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