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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Surprising Barbeque At Hawley



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With burgers and hot dogs on the grill and sporting an “If you barbeque, they will come” apron, new Hawley Elementary School Principal Christopher Moretti was surprised by his school staff on Monday, August 25, during a staff barbeque.

The theme song to Rocky played, staff members wearing green T-shirts began to walk out of the school to form a large circle around Mr Moretti.

When the circle was full, each staff member jump-turned in place to show “Ready 4 Moretti” on the back of the shirt.

“These are beautiful,” Mr Moretti said of the display. “Those are very special. What a great staff.”

New Hawley Elementary School Principal Christopher Moretti, back center, was surprised by his school faculty and staff during a barbeque on August 25.
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