12/14 Commemorative Lapel Pins Available
People interested in obtaining copies of a lapel pin which commemorates the 12/14/12 shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School may do so by contacting David Rohner, the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) student who had the pins created.
Newtown Police Detective Daniel McAnaspie, who is the the Newtown Police Union’s vice president, said this week that people can obtain the pins by contacting Mr Rohner by telephone at 860-748-2866 or via e-mail at drohner@my.ccsu.edu. The cost of a lapel pin is $5.
The police union on January 20 became the beneficiary of a private fundraising drive initiated by Mr Rohner, who is majoring in criminal justice at CCSU. Mr Rohner presented a check that day for $12,500 to the union, representing the money that he and others had raised by selling the lapel pins commemorating 12/14.
The black, white, and gold-colored pin bears the Town of Newtown seal and holds the legend: “Forever In Our Hearts / Sandy Hook Elementary / Never Forget 12/14/12.” The pin also includes a twisted black ribbon which symbolizes the event.
Besides selling the pins as a fundraiser for the police union, Mr Rohner gave copies of the pins to all Newtown police officers.
Det McAnaspie said that after manufacturing costs are covered, the money raised by selling the pins will be donated to the police union. Newtown police were among the many first responders who went to the shooting incident.