Teachers Cited For 25-Plus Years In The District
Teachers Cited For 25-Plus Years
In The District
Multiple teachers were recognized for 25 and more years in the school district during a convocation ceremony on Monday, September 1, to mark the start of the new school year. The event was held at Newtown High School.
The teachers recognized were Judy Beers, Julie Birch, Linda Buonagurio, Jeanne Cavallaro, Cathy Cincogrono, Tracy Fanelli, Linda Giordano, Paula Greenfield, Leslie Gunn, Keith Hedin, Tom Kuroski, Nicole Morris, Ed Obloj, Jean Pannone, Nelson Poulter, Betty Robertson, Judy Silverlight, Emily Smith, Kathy Swift, John Ventresca, Kim Wallace, Sue Ward, Al Washicko, Sara Washicko, Russ Weiss, and Gary Wilkinson.