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Sean Delehanty and Marissa Dent



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Sean Delehanty and Marissa Dent

Geoffrey and Amy Dent of Sandy Hook announce the engagement of their daughter, Marissa Dent, to Sean Delehanty, son of Brian and Mary Lee Delehanty of Burlingame, Calif.

The future bride graduated from Newtown High School, and then from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville with a bachelor’s degree in commerce. She is currently pursuing her master’s in business administration at Harvard Business School and has accepted a position as a consultant with Bain & Company in London, England.

The future bridegroom graduated from Burlingame High School, and then from Duke University with a BSE in mechanical engineering. He is a principal at the private equity firm Silver Lake Partners, and works in the London office.

An April 2008 wedding in New York City is being planned.

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