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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

A Special School Preview For Kindergarteners



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Kindergarten students across the district had a taste of the school year on Friday, August, 22, when they experienced riding on a school bus for the first time in their public school careers.

At Hawley Elementary School, students were greeted by their teachers, parent volunteers, and Principal Christopher Moretti. The children visited their classrooms, where they could color and make themselves familiar with the spaces. 

As the first school bus opened its doors at Sandy Hook School at Chalk Hill Middle School in Monroe, Secretary Joanne Didonato greeted them with a smile and a “Good morning.”

Ms Didonato quickly showed students how to walk on the correct side of the sidewalk leading up to the school before students were lined up and led to their classrooms for tours and an orientation.

Parent volunteers, school staff, and Sandy Hook School Assistant Principals Brian Kirmil and Tim Napolitano helped the students to find their classrooms.

All-Star Transportation’s Manager Alan Colangelo said everything went smoothly for the kindergarten bus runs at all four elementary schools. Parents who rode the buses reported that everything went well, Mr Colangelo said.

Sandy Hook School kindergartener Antonio Arguello, left, received a high-five from his mother, Jennifer, after his first ride to school on a bus. His sister Gabbi was also there to greet him.
Hawley School kindergarten teacher Annie Fries greets one of her students, Clare Csaszar, Friday morning, August 22. Clare and her classmates-to-be had the opportunity to ride the bus to school in preparation for the first day of school, August 26.
Sandy Hook School Secretary Joanne Didonato, far left, walked a group of kindergarteners toward their school on Friday, after their first ride on a school bus.
Kindergarten teachers Annie Fries, kneeling, Donna Albano, right, Deborah Pond, at the bus door, and new Hawley School Principal Chris Moretti, greet kindergartners as they disembark Bus 40, Friday morning, August 22.
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