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To the Editor:

Many voters in this year of discontent have been appalled by the choices for governor offered by the major parties. The presentation of the candidates through their campaigns of little more than character assassination has magnified the disgust many feel. The third party candidate has established policies which may be distasteful to some and offers little alternative. Some means of registering a protest against this situation which seems increasingly out of touch with the citizenry should be available; many will choose to simply avoid voting for the governor's office but many of us resent being disenfranchised in this manner, and the lack of voter turnout can lead to interpretations other than one of protest. The most effective way to register a protest against this untenable situation is to write in a vote for a candidate not part of the increasingly remote political system.

In Connecticut write-in candidates must be pre-registered with the Secretary of State in order to have their votes tallied. This year there are four write-in candidates for Governor officially recognized by the Secretary of State; I am proud to be one of those four. I can not comment on the motives of the other three, but my candidacy is solely to serve as an avenue of protest against a system which has given us such unappealing major party candidates with records that are marginal at best.

Please understand that this is not a frivolous effort, it is a serious attempt to provide a vehicle for disaffected voters to lodge a protest, and a first step to demanding real change in the system, not just a more-of-the-same change in names. I ask you to consider joining this protest by writing in a vote for John Renjilian for Governor. In Connecticut the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are tied together on the ballot, and I have asked my son Jason Renjilian to run as a write in candidate for Lieutenant Governor. You must vote for both offices for the ballot to count.

At the bottom of the ballot will be a bubble to fill in for a write-in candidate. Please do not fill in the bubbles for the party candidates as that will void the write-in bubble. Please join me by filling in the write-in bubble and writing in the names John Renjilian for Governor and Jason Renjilian for Lieutenant Governor and let this be the beginning of a reformation in politics as usual.

Thank you for your support.

John Renjilian

9 Old Hawleyville Road, Newtown   October 29, 2014

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