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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Best Buddies Prom Filled With Friendship And Music



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In flowing skirts and sequins, young women were beautifully dressed for the Newtown High School Best Buddies prom on Saturday, June 6. Young men, many in suits and dress shirts, also spent the evening under flashing lights and moved to a DJ’s music. In keeping with the night’s Mardi Gras theme, many tables were covered with masks and beads.

Ed Rogers spun his son Timmy’s wheelchair while popular music played. Joining the pair on the dance floor were Kira Flynn and Dave Ciccatsi. They were among the roughly 150 students, faculty, and parents in attendance.

Seated at tables after filling their plates at a buffet line, the prom guests enjoyed a dinner, while surrounded by balloons, party lights, and many friends.

“Everyone had a fun night,” said faculty advisor Jill Gonski. “Throughout the year we get together for social outings, but by far prom is our biggest and best event. It provides students with special needs an opportunity to attend a prom.”

In the past students may have felt uncomfortable or nervous going to their class’s prom. The Best Buddies provides a “friendship friendly” prom environment, Ms Gonski said. 

 “Best Buddies promotes and supports inclusion, acceptance, and respect for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” she said. Saturday’s prom queen and king were Isabel Shaw and Garrett Fitzpatrick.

Best Buddies Executive Board President Rachel Crosby took a moment to stop by the stage lights with Katie Mascher, while across the room were friends Camryn Cicarelli, Emma Bayuk, Mildred Charash, and Erin Tressler, all in line for a bite to eat. Past the tables near the dance floor were Charlotte Gray with Julie Smith. Nearby were two friends with long brown hair and white dresses, Kamdynn Moroney and Sara Kennedy.

The NHS Chapter of Best Buddies is a program fostering one-on-one friendships between high school students and students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Ms Gonski said, “We are the biggest club at NHS with over 200 student members. The club is all about friendship.”

The group was also celebrating the Newtown High School Best Buddy chapter, which recently won the Most Outstanding Chapter in the state for a second school year in a row.

Ms Gonski said, “Through Best Buddies and Unified Sports, I feel Newtown High School is a model for other school districts for inclusion and acceptance of students with special needs.”

Buddy Ambassador Julie Smith takes a moment to capture a photo of her friends dressed up for the prom.
Best Buddies Executive Board President Rachel Crosby, left, and Katie Mascher enjoy the 2015 prom, which was celebrated June 6 at Newtown High School.
Charlotte Gray, left, takes time out for a photo with Buddy Ambassador Julie Smith. 
Timmy Rogers is surrounded by, from left, Kira Flynn, his father Ed, and Dave Ciccatsi, during the 2015 Best Buddies Prom. 
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