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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Spirit Day A Show Of Sportsmanship At HOM



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It was Spirit Day at Head O’ Meadow School, Friday, June 6, and school pride was evident, from hair dyed to match class T-shirts, to painted faces and colorful wigs, and a hillside painted to read “There’s No Place Like HOM!”

As grades kindergarten through four thronged the playing field behind the school, ready to take part in the ten fun events set up by dozens of parent volunteers, Coach Steve Dreger took a moment to explain the significance of the day. Along with challenging the children physically, Spirit Day “is meant to promote school spirit, togetherness, unity, and love,” said Coach Dreger.

Parent organizer Jen Ballard said that in return for showing excellent sportsmanship, students would receive random recognition through the awarding of Spirit Ribbons. The goal was for each child to try to collect as many Spirit Ribbons as possible before the end of Spirit Day. Ms Ballard pointed out that every class had been provided with a different colored T-shirt. “They love those T-shirts,” she said. Class pride was clear, with shouts like “Yel-low- Team!” or “We-Are-Red!” echoing across the grounds.

Students recited the Pledge of Allegiance and listened with quiet anticipation to Coach Dreger’s opening remarks. “Let’s hear it for sportsmanship!” shouted the Coach. “Remember,” he told the antsy group, “Be good sports, and have fun!”

Kicking off the morning’s event was a Spirit Tug between the fourth grade classes, complete with grimacing faces and lots of laughter as competitors tugged and tumbled. It was a tug of triumph for Mrs Costello’s fourth grade Yellow Team, and then it was off to the different stations for the all of the competitors, a colorful frenzy of excitement.

Classes took turns moving every 15 minutes between events such as the Beach Day Run, Soccer Dribble, Sponge Relay, Water Balloon Toss, an obstacle course, potato sack race, a 50-yard dash, and a “Spirit Tug” — otherwise known as Tug-O-War.

A little bit of a wet finish for some taking part in the water balloon and sponge relay contests did not wash out happy moods, and grass-stained knees from potato sack race spills were badges of pride. “They’re just having so much fun,” laughed one parent overseeing the Beach Day Run, as a second grader sprinted forward, arms wrapped around an oversized beach ball.

With mostly blue skies and sunshine beaming down, fun prevailed from start to finish — a Spirit Day to remember.

A watery mayhem and plenty of giggles ensue as fourth grade students finish up the Sponge Relay.
Katie Rowan is 100 percent focused as she gets ready to toss her water balloon to a partner.
Kindergartners from Ms Dievert’s and Ms Kuligowski’s classes dart forward during the 50-yard dash.
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