Snapshot: Richard Frankonis
Occupation: I’m a pharmacist and do some compounding, and I’m also a board certified clinical nutritionist. I work as a pharmacist as needed, per diem. I have my office behind Starbucks on Church Hill Road, where I do nutritional counseling.
Family: I’ve been married to my lovely wife, Nina, for 45 years. We have three children. Jennifer is our daughter and she is married to Dr Robert Chang. They have two children, Haley, 13, and Robert, Jr, who is 5 years old. Our son Richard is an attorney in New York City. Our son John is in the pharmaceutical business and is married to Wendy. They have twins. Greta and Jack are 7 years old. My mother-in-law, Olga, is 97 years old, and also lives with us.
Pets: Not at the moment. In the past, every kid had a cat, and we had dogs and birds; but that’s enough for now.
How long have you lived in Newtown? My family has been here since the early part of the 20th Century. They had farms in town, so my Newtown roots go back pretty far. I was born in Bridgeport, though, and we moved to Newtown in 1972, when I started the Newtown Rexall Drug.
What do you like to do in your free time? We have a place up in Vermont and like to spend time there. We like to golf and do a little hiking. I do some reading, as well.
What have you read recently? I just finished reading Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Jesus. I’ve gotten a lot of history from reading O’Reilly’s books. Killing Lincoln gave a lot of insight into the Civil War and Lincoln’s leadership. There was a good look at Jackie Kennedy in Killing Kennedy. I used to read a lot of John Grisham, too.
Do you have a favorite travel destination? I like to go to Newport, R.I. I like the history there and the mansions. We went there for our 45th anniversary. We love the Cliff Walk and the ocean. The sailing ships that come into the harbor in Newport are amazing.
What is the best thing about Newtown? For me, it’s the emotional connection I feel. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. It’s friendly. We have the kind of town where drivers stop and let you out of difficult driveways, onto the street. People are courteous and it’s a comfortable place to be. Our kids all went through Newtown schools, and we had a great experience.
Who has been the greatest influence in your life? Probably my wife. She’s my best friend and she’s strength to me. She’s just a great person. We’ve known each other since high school. Then we met again after she was done with college. She’s always been there for me when I wanted to do things.
Do you have a personal philosophy? There’s a motto we saw in Newport, by the Beaumont family, one of the historic families there: He who will, can. I kind of like that. Do the best with what you have.
Do you have a guilty pleasure? I try to take care of myself, and encourage my patients to do that. There are a lot of things you can’t control in life, but you can control what you put in your body. So, if I have a guilty pleasure, it would be a corned beef Reuben sandwich. That’s a treat for me.