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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Band Teacher Liz Cook Retires



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Band Teacher Liz Cook Retires

By Susan Coney

In speaking with veteran teacher Liz Cook, it did not take long to find out how she feels about the career path she followed. “I’m passionate about what I do. I love being a band director, and I leave feeling the same as when I first started. I have no complaints, I’ve enjoyed it all,” she said.

Ms Cook is retiring as an eighth grade band instructor from Newtown Middle School after 27 years of teaching. She began teaching music at the kindergarten through sixth grade level in Monroe and Ridgefield. For the past 18 years she has called Newtown Middle School home. Currently she is the eighth grade band teacher and teaches Music Technology classes as well.

Upon reflection Ms Cook said, “I have four colleagues there that are the best — Keith Hedin, Louis Ianello, Mark Mahoney, Jonathan Pope. They are like brothers. It is bittersweet but time to move on.”

Ms Cook remembered one of the highlights of her career was when her band was selected to play at the State Music Educators Annual Convention not only once, but twice.

When asked what she feels is the biggest change in teaching today she quickly remarked, “The kids.”

“The students have changed the most, they are all so well rounded. They don’t focus in on one thing. Kids don’t practice like they used to, they’re busy, they’re into everything,” she commented.

“I have a passion for music and when you teach, only about ten percent of the students share that passion; the rest you have to be a cheerleader for them.” She added, “I have had several students who have gone on to become music teachers, and I find that to be extremely rewarding.”

Retiring at such a young age, Ms Cook plans to take a little time off to relax and then plans to pursue a new career. She would like to get a culinary arts degree and relocate to New York City to work in an upscale food market. Being an early bird, she would love to work early in the morning and get off by 1 pm, so she would have afternoons and evenings free to attend museums and musical events.

Ms Cook emphasized that she has been very fortunate in her life. She has a wonderful husband, Ted, and a daughter, Bethany, who is following in her mother’s footsteps as a music major in college. Ms Cook is excited about the new adventures she will embark on and is very grateful to have had the opportunities she has been given.

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