Inspired By A Smile
Inspired By A Smile
To the Editor:
I have had the great pleasure to be Girl Scout Leader for Troops 855 and 591 for six years. During those years, I have watched the girls grow and mature.
We started many years ago, with lots of trips and fun crafts they brought home to their moms and dads. Overtime, we continued with the trips and crafts, but began to introduce service projects, to assist others.
Our final service project was to sing Girl Scout campfire songs to a girl in our town who has multiple disabilities, and is unable to attend school. The girls were thrilled, when she smiled ear to ear, and tried to sing along with them.
They left her home asking what more they could do for her. She had recently outgrown her stroller, and a new adapted strollerâs price was exorbitant. The girls decided they would like to donate all the money they earned from their cookie sale, as well as raise the remainder of the money to purchase the stroller.
The girls of Troop 855 and 591 would like to thank all those neighbors and friends who so generously contributed, so we could purchase the stroller. We would also like to thank the owner of T.C. Cycle in Newtown, who arranged for the delivery of the stroller and did not charge us for shipping and handling. We presented her the stroller Thanksgiving weekend. Again, she, and her mother, smiled ear to ear.
It was a wonderful way for us to bring closure to our Girl Scout Troop. Again we would like to thank everyone who helped us give this wonderful gift.
Thank you!
Diane Day
2 Crows Nest Lane, Sandy Hook                            November 27, 2004