Brian Barrett and Teresa Dahlmeyer
Brian Barrett and Teresa Dahlmeyer
Cathryn and Detlef Dahlmeyer of Sandy Hook announce the engagement of their daughter, Teresa Ida Marie Dahlmeyer, of Waterbury, to Brian Keith Barrett, also of Waterbury. Mr Barrett is the son of Donna and Bruce Osterman of Bethlehem.
The future bride is a 2002 graduate of Newtown High School. She attended Job Corps culinary programs, and then Johnson & Wales University, graduating from Johnson & Wales in 2007 with an associates in science in baking and pastry arts. She is a cake decorator at Big Y in Newtown.
The future groom is a 2003 graduate of Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury. He attended Job Corps programs for carpentry and is currently a self-employed carpenter.