Garden Club Greens Sale
Garden Club Greens Sale
Members of The Garden Club of Newtown are preparing for the clubâs annual Greens Sale by drying plants from their gardens, gathering pinecones and nuts and other natural materials that will be used to decorate wreaths and various holiday arrangements. In the days before the sale, members join together in workshops to create the many items to be sold at the event.
This yearâs sale will be on Saturday, December 6, from 9 am to 1 pm. The event is held at Newtown Meeting House, 31 Main Street in Newtown (at the flagpole).
The sale will feature wreaths made of rose hips and cranberries and grapevines as well as the more traditional evergreens. There will be swags, kissing balls, cranberry and popcorn garlands and many other items with a holiday theme, all handmade by members of the garden club. Undecorated evergreen wreaths and roping will also be available for purchase.