Special Holy Week Event Planned At St Rose
On Wednesday, April 16, at 8 pm, the Mystery Players of Immaculate Heart Central High School in Watertown, N.Y., will present the Stations of the Cross in a very creative way at St Rose of Lima.
The Mystery Players bring the stations to the modern level through the use of special lighting, music, pantomime, and paraliturgical readings. Using the sanctuary of the church as a stage, The Paschal Mystery is recreated in a moving, dramatic presentation.
It may not be appropriate for children under the age of 10, but all others are invited to attend the unique and powerful prayer experience which has been presented across the tri-state region as well as Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and evening Canada.
There is no admission charge, and there is a special appearance planned by Monsignor Robert Weiss in the role of Simon.
St Rose of Lima Church is at 46 Church Hill Road.