Theater Review: The Perfect Show For Anyone With A Sense Of Humor (Or Those Who Need One)
RIDGEFIELD - Once again an original holiday musical revue by Brad Blake, is wreaking havoc with the holiday season at Ridgefield Theater Barn, just in time for a holiday romp.Wreck the Halls,
If you have never seen this show, you must go. If you have seen it before, you must go. If you have seen it half a dozen times, you must go. This bawdy, irreverent original musical by the ever-astonishing Brad Blake is newly revamped, just to make it even more entertaining and side-splitting.
This show is for anyone who has a sense of humor or needs one. It's guaranteed to make the audience roar.
The cast has some of the best comedic talent around. Priscilla Squires, Diana Matson, Carey Van Hollen, Alexis Vournazos, Duane Lanham, and the inimitable Brad Blake offer up two acts of nonstop hilarity. They sing, dance, and cavort their way through this satiric take on America's long, drawn-out, and commercialized holiday season, with many, many references to holiday hanky panky. This is not a show for children.
Working their way through the holidays, which begin while the summer is still heating up the planet and end following all manner of December observances, the jolly cast covers all the territory. There is endless shopping, eating, family interactions, and sex, lots of sex. The humor is racy and yet tasteful, never offensive, and very merry. The audience offered up constant laughter.
Brad Blake has provided an event. Wreck the Halls is exceptionally creative. Listen carefully: the lyrics are smart, sassy, and clever. The music is infectious and will leave you humming tunes for days.
The overall effect is a show that leaves the audience wanting more. Ever so slightly tweaked from its initial rendering, this new edition is crisper and even more effective.
The entire cast treats this gift of an opportunity to continue developing these plum roles with energy and enthusiasm. Harboring vocal gifts ranging from great to fabulous combined with a wealth of comedic skill they all take their act to the next level. To a one, they are awesome. The entire show is utterly awesome.
Rare is the chance to see a full-length original work of such richness. To have this experience within our midst is exciting and irresistible. Make sure you get out to see it so you can say "I knew Brad Blake..." before everyone knows Brad Blake.
Regular performances continue weekends through December 30, on Friday and Saturday evenings; and Sunday afternoons, December 10 and 17.
A special New Year's Eve Extravaganza is also planned, for Sunday, December 31.
Visit or call 203-431-9850 for full performance and ticket details.
Program note: due to adult situations and language, RTB is not recommending this particular show for "the younger elves."
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