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Newtown, CT, USA

Head O' Meadow Participates In Project ACES



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Head O’ Meadow Elementary School physical education teacher Steven “Coach” Dreger welcomed the entire student body and educators inside the school’s cafetorium on Wednesday, May 6.

“We are doing Project ACES [All Children Exercise Simultaneously],” Coach Dreger said. Later he said, “That means that children across our great nation are standing up and exercising with us.”

Before fully beginning the workout for the morning, Coach Dreger called a number of students up to the stage with him to demonstrate moves he would later lead the assembled students and educators through while music played.

If students or educators got tired during the Project ACES event, Coach Dreger said, they were not allowed to stop, but they could march in place.

More information about Project ACES can be found at projectaces.com.

Head O’ Meadow Elementary School students and staff gathered in the school’s cafetorium on Wednesday, May 6, to participate in Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously). The event was led by physical education teacher Steven “Coach” Dreger, not pictured.
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