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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Continuing Education Courses Available



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Newtown Continuing Education has limited openings available in the following classes:

Natural Solutions For Women’s Health: A one-class course on Thursday, May 28; cost is $29.

Starting with a brief review of female physiology and hormones, students will learn how hormones are affected by modern lifestyle stress, sleep deprivation, toxic chemicals, and wrong foods. Students will also learn about the symptoms and effects of female hormone imbalances. Natural ways to manage stress will also be discussed. Students will learn about valuable new natural therapies as well as “time tested” winners in restoring women’s health.

Using Popular Internet Browsers: Monday, June 1 ($29).

This one-night class will teach students about using Internet browsers to get around the Internet. The three most popular browsers — Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome — will be demonstrated. The class will discuss browsing techniques, using search engines, adding favorites, using browser tabs, setting a home page, clearing cookies, staying safe and much more.

DIY Summer Essentials Using Essential Oils: Thursday, June 4 ($34).

Attendees will learn about essential oils, which are the very essence of the plant known as nature’s living energy, according to the course description. Students will create their own summer skin essentials and natural alternative insect repellent.

Students will also make up to three items that can be worn in the spring and summer. All supplies and instruction will be provided.

Integrating The Microsoft Office Suite To Suit Your Needs: Wednesday, June 3 ($29).

Students will learn how to incorporate the Excel Chart into Word documents or into PowerPoint, and how to create an Excel spreadsheet from a Word document, among other tricks and techniques. The instructor will show how to use Microsoft Office products in daily life situations.

Natural Solutions For High Blood Pressure: Wednesday, June 10 ($29).

Attendees will learn how to take a more natural approach to treating blood pressure. Naturopathic physician Elena Sokolova will inform course goers about healthier path choices.

Contact Newtown Continuing Education at 203-426-1787 or newtowncontinuinged.org for further information or to express interest in a program.

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