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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Sandy Hook Fourth Graders Present Art Night



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Artwork created by fourth grade students at Sandy Hook Elementary School was on display for the school’s Student Art Show on Thursday, May 7.

According to Sandy Hook School art teacher Leslie Gunn, who oversaw the evening event, each fourth grade student at the school had a sculpture, a diorama made with a clay piece, an acrylic painting, and a printmaking piece on display for the event.

Near the start of the Student Art Show, Ms Gunn, who was surrounded by her students and their parents, said there was a “marvelous turnout” and a “wonderful energy” for the event.

Students, Ms Gunn said, also worked hard to set up different activity stations for the event, like a drawing station, a printmaking station, a painting station, and more.

At one station visitors were encouraged to add their signature to a student created cardboard sign that read, “I [heart] Sandy Hook School Forever.”

Audra Russo and her daughter Adriana, a fourth grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School, made their way around the school’s art room, where many student artworks were on display during the school’s  Student Art Show on Thursday, May 7.
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