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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

All In The Family: Siblings Share Unique Experience On The Golf Course



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Joining a team requires athletes acclimate themselves to their new teammates, and it can take a little time to get comfortable. In the case of Newtown High School’s golf teams, that adjustment period was altogether avoided for some participants. That’s because they’re siblings — already very familiar with one another — on and off the course — before they went to their first high school practice together at Rock Ridge Country Club.

“We’ve been playing together for pretty much our whole lives,” freshman Ryan Patrick said of he and his brother Colin, a junior.

Certainly, having an older sibling can ease the sometimes challenging transition into joining a varsity squad for the first time.

“It’s always good to know you have support,” Ryan notes. “We have fun and joke around.”

The Patricks aren’t the only siblings in the Newtown High golf program. As a matter of fact, the girls’ squad features not one, but two sets of sisters: the senior/sophomore combination of Halle and Molly Wilson; and the senior and freshman tandem of Brenna and Kira Kelly.

What’s more, there’s a crossover sibling scenario, with junior Josh Houle and freshman Sarah Houle in the Newtown High golf mix.

“Having two sets of sisters and then a brother/sister combo has been a unique situation, especially on such a small team,” said Jeremy O’Connell, who coaches the girls’ squad. “There has been a little sibling rivalry at times which, in some cases, fosters positive competition.”

Some of the sisters and brothers tee off together around school practices and matches, and during the summer offseason, give each other pointers and — of course — engage in a little sibling rivalry with talk at the dinner tables.

“We usually play on the weekends together. We’re pretty supportive of each other,” Molly said of playing with her older sister.

Halle admits that “it’s pretty tough sometimes,” playing with her younger sibling, but adds that the girls encourage each other on the course. The Wilsons also ride horses together when they’re not chipping and putting for the Nighthawks.

“If you’re not in competition, and you’re practicing, it’s a fun time. You can work on golf and have fun together,” Brenna said.

“It’s fun. We’ll help each other. If one of us messes up we’ll just laugh at each other,” the younger of the Kelly sisters added.

If the girls’ squad has played a road match on an unfamiliar course, and the boys have yet to play that course — or vice versa, of course — the Houles can help each other out.

“We give each other tips,” Sarah said.

“We both like to see each other do well,” Josh added.

Both teams did extremely well this spring, as each lineup earned South-West Conference championships.

Course familiarity is a significant part of having success, Colin notes. “That’s probably the biggest advantage in golf,” said Colin, who has a few years of experience playing on the other SWC courses and helps his younger sibling with the ins and outs of Monroe’s Whitney Farms Golf Course, Pomperaug of Southbury’s Heritage Village Country Club, and others.

As is the case with any athletic activity in which competitors can have better performances some days than others, golfers have varying levels of success each day. That opens the door for some bragging rights when teammates happen to be siblings.

“It’s always fun — it’s different every day,” said Colin, who notes that his younger brother has played a better round than he has on the same day.

But, Ryan notes, that’s only happened when Colin’s had a tough outing.

“When I play well and he plays well, and I beat him, that’ll be a good day,” Ryan said.

Ryan and Colin Patrick helped the boys' golf squad win the conference title this past spring.
Newtown High School's SWC champion golf teams had four sets of siblings, including one brother-sister tandem, between them. Pictured are, from left, three of the sets of siblings: Halle and Molly Wilson, Kira and Brenna Kelly, and Sarah and Josh Houle.
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