Newtown Seniors & The Arts Festival
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Commission on Aging and Newtown Senior Center we would like to both thank and compliment the Senior Center artists who displayed their paintings at the Newtown Arts Festival CoA booth. This was the first festival display and Art Instructor, Lynn Welsh, coordinated the very attractive showing of over a dozen pieces of art work.
The senior artists included John Boccuzzi, Mary Goebel, Joyce Golden, Shirley Kopnicky, Claire Theune and Betty Wallace; and over the course of the weekend a number of attendees inquired if the art work was for sale - the ultimate complement!
Well done Senior Center Artists and their instructor!
There were also opportunities for the senior center members to participate in Senior Poetry Readings and other Arts & Crafts forums oriented to the seniors of Newtown.
Curt Symes
Chair, Commission on Aging
Marilyn Place
Director, Senior Center
14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook September 29, 2015