A Couple Of Suggestions On The Euthanasia Policy
A Couple Of Suggestions
On The Euthanasia Policy
(The following letter to the members of the Board of Selectmen has been received for publication.)
Dear Pat, Will and Jim:
I have read the proposed euthanasia policy, and it is standard and well written but missing two key elements. My concern is that the proposed group of people who would determine if an animal needs to be euthanized does not include a licensed dog trainer who is educated and trained in canine behavior, nor does it specify that the veterinarian have a practice with canines.
A licensed dog trainer has greater insights into the health and safety of a canine than the selectmen, the chief of police, and even a licensed veterinarian. Veterinarians obviously have a tremendous amount of experience in the animal world, and they are indeed well educated and trained in medical care of animals, but many would not feel comfortable making a decision about euthanizing an animal without proper behavioral information. Also, it would behoove everyone that the policy specify that the licensed veterinarian practice with canines on a consistent basis.
 Also, the more well-respected shelters in the area have a similar policy as the one proposed for Newtown. However, these canine shelters specify that there be three evaluations conducted by licensed dog trainers who are registered with either the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and/or the International Pet Dog Trainers Association. This could be very useful for not only the animal, but for the humans that will have to bear the responsibility of deciding the fate of an animal. It is in Newtownâs and the individuals best interest to have the greatest amount of professional information available.
I encourage you to include these specification to ensure proper information for all who are to determine the fate of the canine.
Thank you
Susan Osborne White
60 Castle Meadow Road, Newtown                        January 31, 2012