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Emily Goldman of Sandy Hook graduated from the University of New Hampshire during the Commencement Ceremony Saturday, May 21, at the Durham campus. She graduated cum laude and earned a bachelor of science degree in hospitality management. Students wh



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Emily Goldman of Sandy Hook graduated from the University of New Hampshire during the Commencement Ceremony Saturday, May 21, at the Durham campus. She graduated cum laude and earned a bachelor of science degree in hospitality management. Students who receive the honor of cum laude graduated with a grade point average of 3.2 to 3.49.

Alyssa Rodriguez, daughter of Denise and Ruben Rodriguez of Newtown, was named to the Dean’s List during the spring semester of her freshman year at Ithaca (N.Y.) College’s School of Music, where she is majoring in music composition. She was also selected by faculty members at the college to join Pi Kappa Lambda, the national honor society for music. The society recognizes and encourages the highest level of musical achievement and academic scholarship. Alyssa is a 2010 graduate of Newtown High School.

Ben Bronz Academy recently announced Newtown resident Norman Taylor Perry, son of Joan and Brian Waters of Newtown and N. Scott Perry of Falmouth, Mass., will be graduating from Ben Bronz Academy in West Hartford on June 23 with honors. He plans to attend Massachusetts Maritime Academy this fall to pursue a degree in marine engineering.

Christina Ercole graduated summa cum laude from Fairfield University on Sunday, May 22, with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology. While studying at Fairfield University she was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the National Liberal Arts and Science Honor Society; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; Alpha Mu Gama, Foreign Language Honor Society; MAAC All Academic Team for Women’s Rowing; the treasurer and member of Psi Chi, International Honor Society of Psychology; and Dean’s List every semester. Christina plans to continue her education at Yale University, New Haven, where she is enrolled in the graduate entry prespecialty in nursing three-year program with a clinical specialty in psychiatric-mental health nursing.

 Jina M. Willie and Michael S. Poeltl of Newtown, and Gabriella C. Ruggiero of Sandy Hook were named to the Dean’s List at Western New England College, Springfield, Mass., for the spring semester. Students are named to the dean’s list for achieving a semester grade point average of 3.30 or higher. Named to the President’s List at Western New England for the spring semester were Marisa Kadar and Marilyn K. Mauclaire of Newtown, and Rachael A. Marlin of Sandy Hook. These achieved a semester grade point average of 3.80 or higher.

Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, announced the Dean’s List for its spring semester. To receive this honor, a student must achieve a 3.6 grade average, based on a 4.0 scale. Local students honored were MacKenzie Fuller and Nicholas Garofalo of Newtown, and Lauren Hanulik and Sara Pollock of Sandy Hook.

The University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, has announced its Dean’s List for the spring semester. Students at the Jesuit university must have a grade point average of 3.5 or better with a minimum number of credit hours to quality. More than 1,450 students were named to the Dean’s List, including the following area residents: Patrick J. Daly and Michael R. Iorfino of Newtown, and Caitlin M. D’’Eramo of Sandy Hook.

Patrick J. Daly was also among the 970 University of Scranton graduates this year. Patrick graduated during a commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 29.

Nathaniel Basch-Gould of Sandy Hook graduated from Williams College in Williamstown, Mass., with a bachelor of arts degree in theater. At the June 5 commencement ceremony, Nathaniel was awarded a Hubbard Hutchinson Memorial Fellowship, which to Williams graduates who intend to pursue careers in the arts.

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