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Save Two Essential Positions



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Save Two Essential Positions

To the Editor:

It is critical that they keep Jane Matson’s current position intact as music teacher at Newtown High School. She has done amazing things with the music students. Such as plays, helping students when they need help. The music program is going well and if it is not broken, don’t fix it. All of the students need stability and will be affected by this change if this decision is made final.

Another thing, please keep Judy Blanchard’s District Health Coordinator position. She does an excellent job and goes above and beyond the call of duty. It would be a great loss if her job is eliminated.

I was at the BOE meeting on Tuesday, January 24, and several Newtown High music students and parents spoke on Jane Matson’s behalf. They only had excellent things to say about her. Also, Newtown High students spoke on Judy Blanchard’s position and only had good things to say about her. I also went to the Thursday, January 26, BOE meeting and several Newtown High School Music students spoke on behalf of Jane Matson’s position. They only had wonderful things to say about her. Some parents also spoke on her behalf how well she does her job.

Some Newtown High School students and parents spoke on Judy Blanchard’s position and only had good things to say on her behalf. Judy Blanchard was at the BOE meeting on Thursday, January 26. She talked about her position and what she does. I was very impressed.

Please, BOE, do not eliminate either of these positions because it would be a big mistake. It will only hurt the children.

Karen Visca

30 Mile Hill South Road, Newtown                         January 31, 2012

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