At what age should you stop trick or treating? Asked at the Newtown Middle School Scarecrow Contest.
Published: Oct 28, 2005 12:00 am
At what age should you stop trick or treating? Asked at the Newtown Middle School Scarecrow Contest.
Kelley Gaston: âI think never. I think everybody should be able to trick or treat.â
Cristina Naldini: âNever, because it is a fun tradition and you get free candy!â
Andrew Golankiewicz: âWhen you get to college.â
Ben Mahony: âThirteen years old. I guess you just grow out of it.â
Nicole Connolly: âI think when you are 16 years old and start having other things to do.â
Megan Hintzen: âI think you can still trick or treat at any age because it brings out the child inside of you.â